Extended Producer Responsibility is a concept where manufacturers, producer, brand owner, and importers of products should bear a significant degree of responsibility for the environmental impacts of their products throughout the product life-cycle, including selection of raw material and design to produce the product and its packaging, efficient manufacturing process with minimum impact on environment, and develop collection back mechanism for the post consumed products and get it recycle.

Ministry of Environment and Forest & Climate Change has given special emphasis on strengthen the Extended Producer Responsibility in all types of Waste Management Rules notified in 2016. This may help the nation to have efficient waste management system with shared responsibility of all stakeholders of society.

Extended producer responsibility, refers to the responsibility for management of the disposal of products by producers once those products are designated as no longer useful by consumers. Our main objective is to develop an effective and efficient system that takes care of collection, segregation and transportation of the material to the waste disposal facility which is approved by the MPCB and CPCB as a PRO Agency. These materials are also used in cement kilns, pyrolysis, for road construction and recycling centers, on the basis of its quality and price.